DTP filter routine example

We will get a requirement to write DTP filter routines.
At that time we need to follow simple steps then, our routine will be ready... :)

Create Routine for selection field in routine.
Now we need to follow below steps:

form compute_

After this statement we need to implement our own customised code and return l_t_range internal table.

        l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
         l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
        l_t_range-iobjnm = '0CALDAY'.
         l_t_range-fieldname = 'CALDAY'.
         l_t_range-low = '20110101.
         append l_t_range.

That's it.. it will work for CALDAY.

Make your own code and Pass following Parameters.. then, it will work...

- Vamsi.

How to find Source and Target details in DTP Filter Routine

When we are writing code in filter routines we may get a requirement to find out InfoSource and Target Info Cube details.

BI7 is designed based on Object Oriented technology. Just copy and paste following code into your filter routine.

* Target InfoProvider
   s_src type RSBKSRCNM.

* get target details
    CALL METHOD i_r_request->GET_TGT
          R_TGT = I_TGT.

* get Source details
   CALL METHOD i_r_request->GET_SRC
          R_SRC = S_SRC.

Please watch this blog for more updates on BI7.

How to write code in start routine - BI7?

Unlike BW3.5, will have different structures in BI7.
Basically BI7.O follows OOPs concepts. Here, you can find methods and classes.

We have all the information in single page. Top of the screen we can find declaration of all Variables.

Now need to search for method with Start_Routine. At there we can see "Insert your comment"

Here instead of DATA_PACKAGE we need to use SOURCE_PACKAGE.

Code looks like this:

loop at SOURCE_PACKAGE  assigning <source_package>.

* modify data in structure <source_package> that will automatically effects in the target structure.
