DTP filter routine example

We will get a requirement to write DTP filter routines.
At that time we need to follow simple steps then, our routine will be ready... :)

Create Routine for selection field in routine.
Now we need to follow below steps:

form compute_

After this statement we need to implement our own customised code and return l_t_range internal table.

        l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
         l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
        l_t_range-iobjnm = '0CALDAY'.
         l_t_range-fieldname = 'CALDAY'.
         l_t_range-low = '20110101.
         append l_t_range.

That's it.. it will work for CALDAY.

Make your own code and Pass following Parameters.. then, it will work...

- Vamsi.

How to find Source and Target details in DTP Filter Routine

When we are writing code in filter routines we may get a requirement to find out InfoSource and Target Info Cube details.

BI7 is designed based on Object Oriented technology. Just copy and paste following code into your filter routine.

* Target InfoProvider
   s_src type RSBKSRCNM.

* get target details
    CALL METHOD i_r_request->GET_TGT
          R_TGT = I_TGT.

* get Source details
   CALL METHOD i_r_request->GET_SRC
          R_SRC = S_SRC.

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